Perry’s Chemical Handbook merupakan buku yang familiar dan menjadi acuan mahasiswa Teknik Kimia. Seperti disajikan dalam laman, handbook karangan Robert H. Perry dan Don W. Green ini terdiri dari 2.559 halaman yang terbagi menjadi 30 Section, meliputi:

Section 1: Conversion Factors and Mathematical Symbols
Section 2: Physical and Chemical Data
Section 3: Mathematics
Section 4: Thermodynamics
Section 5: Heat and Mass Transfer
Section 6: Fluid and Particle Dynamics
Section 7: Reaction Kinetics
Section 8: Process Control
Section 9: Process Economics
Section 10: Transport and Storage of Fluids
Section 11: Heat-Transfer Equipment
Section 12: Psychometry, Evaporativ Cooling, and Solids Drying
Section 13: Distillation
Section 14: Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design
Section 15: Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment
Section 16: Adsorption and Ion Exchange
Section 17: Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment
Section 18: Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment
Section 19: Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment
Section 20: Size Reduction and Size Enlargement
Section 21: Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids
Section 22: Alternative Separation Processes
Section 23: Chemical Reactors
Section 24: Biochemical Engineering
Section 25: Waste Management
Section 26: Process Safety
Section 27: Energy Resource, Conversion, and Utilization
Section 28: Materials and Construction
Section 29: Process Machinery Drives
Section 30: Analysis of Plant Performance

Seperti pembahasan sebelumnya mengenai MSDS, teknik kimia memang harus memahami berbagai karakter bahan kimia. Hal ini karena bahan kimia dapat membahayakan manusia, bahkan menyebabkan kematian.

Perry’s Chemical Handbook

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